Please be informed that our website strictly adheres to copyright laws and does not contain any material protected by copyright. We do not host or distribute any files that infringe upon copyright restrictions. All products showcased on our website are available under the GNU General Public License, ensuring their compliance with open-source and licensing standards.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support in upholding copyright and licensing principles.

SKILLSURFACE, all listed items are created by third-party developers and redistributed under the terms of the General Public License (GPL). We want to clarify that SKILLSURFACE is not affiliated or associated with any third-party developers or trademark owners, including WordPress, WooCommerce, WP Rocket, YITH, Rocketgenius, and others.

While SKILLSURFACE is not endorsed by the developers of the products featured on our website, we fully support and respect the original authors of these items. We encourage our clients to consider purchasing directly from the developers for premium plugin/theme related support and official updates.

It is important to note that all WordPress items, including plugins and themes, are licensed under the General Public License (GPL). This grants us the freedom to redistribute the purchased items if we choose to do so. Your purchases on our site contribute to supporting and providing compensation to third-party theme and plugin authors. This crowdfunding model allows us to keep prices low and pass on the benefits to our valued customers. Please be aware that our products do not include premium support, which enables us to offer significant discounts of up to 95% on essential commercial WordPress plugins.

At SKILLSURFACE, we uphold the intellectual property rights of others and also request our users to respect our intellectual property rights. If you believe that any material on our website infringes your copyright, you have the right to request its removal following the guidelines of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Policy. When claiming copyright infringement, please ensure the following elements are included:

  • A statement confirming that the complaining party has a good faith belief that the use of the material is not authorized by the copyright proprietor, its agent, or the law.
  • Provide evidence of the authorized individual acting on behalf of the copyright owner whose rights are allegedly infringed.
  • Include sufficient contact details for us to reach you, along with a valid email address.
  • A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the copyright proprietor.
  • The Copyright Infringement Claim must be signed by the authorized person acting on behalf of the copyright owner whose rights are allegedly being infringed.
    To submit a written infringement notice, please send it to the following email addresses: CONTACT US

Once we receive a valid claim, we will take appropriate action within 2-3 business days to remove the copyrighted material.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in ensuring the protection of intellectual property rights.

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